8 Retirement Calculators Retirement Calculators
- 401(k) Calculator
How much will your 401(k) be worth in the future? This calculator, given different scenarios, will show you its approximate future value. - Retirement Savings Calculator - How much do I need to save?
This is my original retirement calculator. It is designed to help you plan for retirement if you know the amount you'll need to live on annually (in today's $). It will tell you how much you need to save by the time you retire and how much you can withdraw each year from that balance to maintain your inflation adjusted purchasing power. If you have the time and resources to plan early, this is the retirement calculator to use. - Retirement Withdrawal Calculator
This calculator is designed to help you plan for retirement if you know the amount you will have saved at the time you retire. It will tell you how much you can withdraw each year from that balance to maintain your inflation adjusted purchasing power and to make that money last. If you're already retired or very close to retirement and don't have the time or resources to alter your savings balance, this is the calculator to use.If you don't know the amount you'll have saved at retirement, use my Savings Calculator and/or 401(k) Calculator to get that amount, then come back here -- or use one of my other retirement calculators to find out how much to save. - Retirement % Withdrawal Calculator
I hear so many people say that they are going to withdraw a certain percent of their savings for retirement. When I ask what they mean by that, they really aren't quite sure. The options could be to take a percentage of the initial balance, or to take a percentage of the balance at the beginning of each year, or to take a percentage of the initial balance and adjust that annually for inflation. I wanted to see the ramifications of each method, so I created this calculator. If you really study the numbers, it will tell you a lot! It is designed to help you plan for retirement if you know how much money you'll have when you retire and you want to withdraw an amount stated as a percentage. It will tell you if your annual withdrawal, based on the method you choose, will keep up with inflation and if your money will last through your retirement. This is not necessarily a retirement "planning" calculator, but if you want to goof around with the numbers to see the outcome, this is the calculator to use.
- Retirement Savings/Withdrawal Calculator
I haven't come up with a good description of this calculator. It's kind of a combination of my second and third retirement calculators, except that you fill in all but one option and solve for the last. Try it out and you'll see what I mean... - Supplemental Retirement Income Calculator
This calculator is designed to help you find the amount needed to supplement your monthly retirement income (beyond Social Security and/or pension income). It will tell you how long your money will last and how much of your savings you'll need to supplement your retirement income and maintain your inflation adjusted purchasing power. The interesting thing about this calculator is that you can adjust the amount of annual increase of your Social Security and/or pension income at different rates. It's nice if your income is growing at a different rate than inflation. If you're already retired or about to retire, this is the calculator to use. - Retirement Plan Calculator
This Retirement Plan Calculator is a bit like my 401(k) Calculator except that the employer contribution starts at a certain percent of salary and increases annually until it reaches a set maximum employer contribution. This sounds more complicated than it really is. Check it out. You'll see what I mean... - Retirement Plan1 Calculator
Check it out!
* I've seen some retirement calculators that separate the spousal contributions. I feel that if you're living as a couple, they are combined as one. Most couples think of an entire sum needed to survive - not separate sums combined from each spouse. If you separate your financial affairs, then you'd each do your own calculations anyway. Here's a link to the IRS - IRA Contribution Limits and details.
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